
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Clone Project: More Names

Continuing the name debate: instead of playing around with the concept of "zero (edition)" in the title, I had also thought about playing off either "od&d" or "lbb", as either an abbreviation or as part of the name. Something like:
  • Lairs of Beasts Below
  • Legendary Beasts Below
  • Long Bows & Basilisks
  • Old Demonic Depths
  • Odds Against the Goblins
But these don't seem sufficient, either. Something like "Underworld Odyssey", working the letters "OD(&D)" into a phrase that literally describes what the characters do, seems a little more promising.

I briefly considered some names like "Albion" (from the letters "LB(B)") or "Vadlands" (from "VAD", an anagram of "ADV(enture)".) But names like this tend to suggest that the rules apply to a specific setting. This also rules out naming the game after certain heroes or monsters, which might suggest that the game is intended for a specific mythic setting.

I'm sort of toying with the idea of rhyming pairs or near-rhymes instead of alliterative pairs. "Goblin Robbers" is perhaps too blunt and a tad silly; "Rogues & Ogres" might be misinterpreted as just about thieves (although technically, I suppose it's true...)


  1. Of the offered suggestions, I like Underworld Odyssey, or perhaps Odysseys?

  2. Personally, I like "the Clone Project"... It's what pulled me in and has kept me reading your blog on a daily basis. You're doing a great job of capturing the way it was with a modern spin for simplicity and a talent for making what was old new again...


  3. Rogues & Ogres isn't bad. It sound classic rpg to me. Honestly, I'd avoid going for an odd title simply to abbreviate to LBB or D&D or anything.

    No matter how close a clone this is supposed to be, you want it to stand up on its own too, and a good game name, something that evokes and intrigues.

  4. ORC: Old-school Retro-Clone.
    OD&D: Old-school Dice & Dangers.
    ZERO: ZERO is the Engine, Retro-cloned from the Original.

  5. I second Underworld Odyssey and Longbows & Basilisks, but that second one is just because I like basilisks.

  6. Choose a name thats meaningful to you. Don't try to contrive something. Personally, I would also avoid a name that sounds too restrictive - yeah Dungeons & Dragons got away with it, but there's way too much of that already to the point that its comic. "Labrynth Lord" is probably the best example of bad naming. Is it a game about minotaurs? No. Is it a game about people who are really good at solving mazes? No. See what I mean?

  7. @Daniel: that's the problem; nothing really jumps out, unlike some of my other projects.

    @Jorge: ZERO is clever, but I don't want to make the same mistake as OSRIC. And ORC is already in use for a couple RPGs, including my friend Brian King's Organic Rules Components system.

    @~t~: it's a little too generic, plus the word "clone" suggests SF specifically, although perhaps it's usable in a subtitle: "the original fantasy adventure clone".
