
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Now Following

Whenever someone links to a more-or-less OSR blog that I haven't seen before, I usually used the Follow function to add it to Google Reader. Except that the Follow function hasn't seemed to work for a couple months. I'm pretty sure there were a couple blogs I've added to my reading list that have never shown up in Reader.

One I definitely know I added was Hack & Slash. I knew it never showed up, but I didn't remember the exact name/URL/how I found it, so I couldn't add again. Since The Great Google Reader Scare of '13, I spotted it in a link in someone's blog post and I've successfully added it to my reading list in Feedly. With any luck, I'll stumble upon the other blogs I wanted to follow, but that never showed up in Reader.


  1. They screwed around with the follow function and I've been having a lot of trouble with it myself.

  2. See this post of mine from last year:
    Following Blogs Made More Difficult by Google

    Even though it is a bit awkward (requiring several clicks and cutting and pasting the url), I usually use the Dashboard Reading List to add blogs now, and it always works. You can read every blog you are following there, or add them to a sidebar on your blog.

    1. I've always found the dashboard too annoying to use.

  3. For about a year now I haven't been able to delete any blogs from my maxed out blogs list, which means I haven't been able to add new ones. I've created a separate list of blogs I follow, but of course they don't show up on the dash board and only show the most current post. Bloody annoying.

    1. Yes, removing a blog is even more tortuous than adding one. The only way that I've found that works now is to log in to Google Friend Connect when you are at the blog in question. This can be found in the Followers Gadget, and requires log in even if you are already logged into your own blog. Once logged in, a link for "Options" will appear below your icon in the followers Gadget (above the icons of all other followers). Select Options, and then "Site Settings", which will bring up a pop up window with an option for "Stop Following This Site". IIRC, this will take the blog off your Reading List. I believe you will still need to remove the blog from your sidebar if you have it there.
