
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Another Holmes Memory

I said earlier that I only remembered two things from Holmes Basic, but that's not quite true. The box is long gone, I think I lost the geomorphs and monster & treasure assortment, and the book is buried in storage... But I still have these handy. Notice how the d20 is practically worn down into a sphere. It's pretty much useless. But I still have it.


  1. I didn't get dice in my basic set, I got chits. The dice in the pictures are virtually identical to the dice that came in my Gama World boxed set.

    1. Yeah, there was apparently a shortage of dice after the first couple Holmes printings, due to rising oil prices. So they did the chit thing. I know what chits are, because I had an SPI game called Stargate or StarForce, something like that. But I had no idea that there had been a Holmes game with chits.

    2. I'd heard before that later copies of Holmes came with chits, though I had no idea it had anything to do with oil prices. My understanding was that they were supposed to be temporary and you could receive proper dice at a later date

  2. Those are beautiful! So much character in 'em. I lost my old collection of dice - including my first d8 from Jumanji, which I used almost exclusively in my old homebrews - and had to buy a new set about two years ago. $6 for seven dice. I don't recall them being so expensive when I was a kid, but my memory could be faulty. Sadly, this means I only have one d6, so I don't really generate characters for fun anymore. A coworker told me to just use an online dice roller, but it's not the same. He doesn't really get it

    I might see if we still have some old boardgames I can pilfer from. Those usually have pips instead of numbers, which I actually prefer for some insane reason

    1. D6s with pips are easy to get at Target, Walmart, or even some gas station convenience stores. But these will be more expensive than the bulk d6s you can odre online or get at a game store, because they're actually more precise.

    2. Thanks, I'll keep that in mind! I may go with the cheapies, though, as I'm poor and don't need that great of precision. What I do need are as many d6s as I can get my mitts on! Men & Magic recommends between four and twenty, which sounds about right to me. I absolutely adore that section on recommended equipment, by the way. It's got me wanting to see D&D presented in a smaller booklet like you'd see for a boardgame. That's what I'm gonna shoot for with the "basic" version of my homebrew

  3. Our hobby shop staff dubbed these "gumdrop" dice, for the appearance they took on as the edges quickly disintegrated. I have a few today that look like that, and as I recall they look about the same as they did 35 years ago, after about 6 months of use.
