
Monday, October 28, 2013

Martial Arts Monk Class and Styles

When I did the post on martial arts, I had in mind a plan to update the monk class I proposed for Delving Deeper to incorporate the idea of martial arts styles, including those from the four monks post, into it. In fact, when I looked at the original post, I realized I’d never published a version in my standard class format. So, time to do both…

Martial Arts Monk

Concept: Kwai Chang Caine, fakirs, or other monastics and ascetics who train their bodies to do fantastic things.

Alignment: Theoretically any, but almost all masters who teach advanced styles are Lawful and expect inhuman levels of self-discipline and subservience to humanity.

XP/HD: XP as Fighter, but HD as Magic-User. They give up fast advancement of hit dice for extra combat abilities.

Weaponry and Armor: As Fighter in theory, including the ability to attack multiple opponents or use any weapon. However, eash martial arts style gives benefits to only one weapon. If not wearing armor, Armor Class is equivalent to Light Armor at 1st level, Medium Armor at 4th level, Heavy Armor at 8th level.

Styles: Starts with one of these basic styles, which adds a bonus equal to half level to the indicated roll:
  1. Mastery of 1 Weapon: damage roll
  2. Mastery of Fist and Kick: barehand damage or subdue roll
  3. Mastery of Sweeps and Throws: 5+ on 1d6 trip/grapple check
Additional styles, including any of the above that is not the monk’s starting style, must be learned from a master of that style. Each style also has two higher-level “secrets”, which must be learned separately. Each master will require a price to teach the basics of their style and a separate price for each secret, but players are free to negotiate, or cheat if possible. The price may include money or service, but will also include either a vow or a taboo.

Melee Weapon Master: One style per weapon. Usual vow is to never attack an opponent who has an inferior weapon.
  • Heroic Secret is double damage with weapon when shouting a battle cry;
  • Superheroic Secret is a sweeping attack at everyone surrounding monk (requires freedom of movement.)
Bow Master:
  • Heroic Secret is double damage from aimed shot (no aiming penalty) against a well-lit, visible target;
  • Superheroic Secret is ability to aim blind shot at close range (taboo: meditate undisturbed for four hours every day in place of half of sleep period or lose ability until meditation regimen is restored.)
Unarmed Master: Unarmed attacks against armored opponent are always to subdue unless monk’s armor class is equal or better (ignoring shields.)
  • Heroic Secret is double damage with fist when shouting a battle cry;
  • Superheroic Secret is a circle kick at everyone surrounding monk (requires freedom of movement.)
  • Variant Superheroic Secret is a Hold Person effect if target has a living heart (monk must know where the heart is…)
Sweeps and Throws Master:
  • Heroic Secret is a sleeper hold (Vulcan Neck Pinch);
  • Superheroic Secret is a sweeping attack made with a grappled victim at everyone in a 10-foot square in front of monk (requires freedom of movement and grabbing/lifting a victim first.)
Order of the Empty Bowl: Apply bonus to saving throw vs. starvation, exhaustion or falling damage. Taboo: Can’t eat meat. Applies to all secrets of this style.
  • Heroic Secret slows poison in the monk’s body through meditation and chanting for up to one hour;
  • Superheroic Secret is immunity to sleep.
Order of the Candle: Use “Turn Undead” roll to calm intelligent living beings. Vow: Never strike the first blow.
  • Heroic Secret extends calming effect to animals;
  • Superheroic Secret extends calming effect to plants.
Order of the Mandala: Apply bonus to saving throw vs. mind-affecting powers. Taboo: Chant/mediate in place of four hours of sleep every day. Applies to all secrets of this style.
  • Heroic Secret is a temporary immunity to ESP;
  • Superheroic Secret is a permanent immunity to ESP.
  • Variant Superheroic Secret is a permanent immunity to Charm Person or Monster.
Other styles and variant secrets can be made using the guidelines in the martial arts post. In fact, it is better not to write up too many styles or secrets beforehand, but instead build them as needed, to be discovered during play. A particular setting might not have the martial arts secrets a player expects, but there’s no way the player would know in advance; they are secrets after all.

1 comment:

  1. I really like what you're doing with the DD-inspired design aesthetics here. Not only martial arts styles, but you could do similar things with Fighter fighting styles, Thief sub-styles (Assassin, Acrobat, etc). Great food for thought.
