
Monday, September 30, 2019

September 2019 Blog Maintenance, August Plans

Time for my end-of-month update! Blog maintenance completed in September:

  • created blog topic graphics for an upcoming blog makeover
  • added blog topic graphics to Maps page and Liber Zero page
  • updated links to new urban geomorphs and Liber Zero reference sheets

I promised two Map Monday releases, intending that to be two maps. Wound up doing four urban geomorph maps. Also started a little work on the upcoming October dungeon, tentative title The Assembly of Ill-Formed Flesh.

Also promised more LZ reference sheets and delivered six of them. More are in the works.

Didn’t get much else done, other than behind-the-scenes improvements in my map-making and illustration techniques using SketchUp. Created a LOT of little props for the urban geomorphs and the reference sheet cover illustrations.

Plans for October:

  • Two Map Monday releases:
    • The Assembly of Ill-Formed Flesh
    • one or two pamphlet dungeons or urban geomorphs, not sure which.
    • If there is a third Map Monday release, it will probably be more pamphlets.
  • More LZ reference sheets, hopefully including the Magic class and a beginner’s spell list.
  • Maybe an LZ Player’s Guide, too? We’ll see.

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