
Sunday, March 21, 2010

20-Sided Geography

I've done quickie tables for cultural elements and monsters. Time for quickie geographical features.

1Acid Bubbling Canyon / Brook (battlefield)
2Dry Erupting Wasteland / Wetland (enchanted)
3Tangled Thawing Jungle / Ice flows (trade route)
4Fiery Quaking Forest / Falls (forbidden)
5Volcanic Venting Valley / Lake (lost/legendary)
6-7Hot Scorching Sand / Saltwater (fortified)
8-10Dusty Crumbling Hill / Well (farmland)
11-13Icy Flooding Plain / Pool (civilized)
14-15Stormy Gusting Ditch / Spring (sacred)
16Slippery Sliding Slope / Sea Coast (subterranean)
17Muddy Parting Mountain / Pond (patrolled)
18Hazy Hailing Hedges / Kelp Fields (hellish)
19Noxious Growing Glacier / Geyser (nomad lands)
20Rocky Rolling Ridge / Rapids (ruins)

Again, there's more than one result on each line. The first, italicized entry is a Modifier that can be applied to geographical features, like "icy"; the second, plain text entry is a Geographical Event, like "erupting"; most of these are fairly normal, but a couple oddballs are thrown in to create exotic environments.

The third, bold entry is a Landform , while the fourth, plain text entry is a Water Feature. In a couple cases, terrestrial or aquatic biomes are substituted. The last entry (italicized and in parentheses) indicates the Habitation Type (usage of the land by humans or sentient beings.) It can be used as an alternate Modifier.

The standard formula for land is 2d20: Modifier X and Feature Y. On doubles, roll 2d20 for special features: Event X and Habitation Y. Alternatively, roll 3d20 for Modifier X, Feature Y, and Habitation Z, with doubles indicating extra rolls for Materials on the main or exotic quickie tables. You can also substitute additional Modifiers if you've already determined the Habitation you want.

If you don't already know whether the Feature should be aquatic or terrestrial, you can determine this randomly with a d6: 1 in 6 chance the new area is the opposite of the predominate type for adjacent areas, or 2 in 6 chance for land in the starting area on a completely blank map.

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