
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Illusory Healing

One of the other examples I included in the magic is magic post is the idea of illusory healing spells. Since I wrote up Raise Dead As Tree, I might as well write these up, too.

Illusory Cure of Light Wounds (1st Level Spell)

Reversible, Duration: up to 1 day, Range: Touch
Minor wounds seem to vanish and the "healed" person feels reinvigorated, restoring 5 points of damage. However, if any living being touches the wounded body part, or after any amount of sleep in any case, the illusion is dispelled and the victim takes 1d6 damage. The damage healed and the damage taken is unrelated to each other or to the victim's actual wounds, so it's possible some actual healing will take place during the illusion, or for the victim to end up worse than before.

The reverse, Illusory Light Wounds, swaps the effects, causing 1d6 points of unreal damage and restoring damage lost after the illusion ends. If total wounds, both real and illusory, exceed the total damage a victim can take, the victim falls down, feigning death, and can actually die from shock (roll to survive adversity.)

Illusory Cure of Serious Wounds (4th Level Spell)

Reversible, Duration: up to 1 day, Range: Touch
As Illusory Cure of Light Wounds, but the effects are doubled, restoring 10 points of damage while the illusion is intact and causing 2d6 points of damage when it ends. The reverse, Illusory Serious Wounds is also doubled in effect, with the same risk of death from shock.

Illusory Cure of Disease (3rd Level Spell)

Reversible, Duration: up to 1 day, Range: Touch
Suspends the effects of disease while the illusion of health is believed. Sleeping ends the illusion, as does the touch of a living being on an afflicted body part. This does not restore damage lost from the disease, it merely hides the appearance of disease and allows the patient to ignore the effects.

The reverse, Illusory Disease, makes a victim believe they are afflicted with any disease the caster names. Victims who don't speak the caster's language might not understand what disease they're supposed to have: on a 5+ (1d6,) the victim gets a random, trivial ailment. If there is no language barrier, however, the victim can be stricken with any disease known to civilization, and rapidly fatal diseases may cause death from shock.

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