
Friday, December 7, 2018

Our BLANK Neighbors

One thing on the priority to-do list is is to make a booklet/PDF like Our Infernal Neighbors and Our Undying Neighbors, but for godlings. “Godling” is my name for magical beings that grant wishes. Djinn and Efreet are thus godlings, as are Jotuns (magical frost giants,) Fae, and a few other beings. Godlings are naturally astral and live inside large, solid geographical features, where they use Hallucinatory Terrain to create fantastic otherworlds sustained by their communal belief.

One thing I haven’t decided on, though, is what to call that book. I’d like to keep the title similar to the other two in the series. I’m thinking Our Otherworldly Neighbors, but I’m not sure. Is it a good enough hint as to what the book contains?

Another option would be Our Wishful Neighbors, which perhaps is closer to the topic, but not clear enough on what the book’s really about, other than “something to do with wishes”. Is that enough? Is it better?


  1. I think unearthly might be better than otherworldly, still not sure if it's an appropriate descriptor.

    1. Unearthly is shorter, at least, and does sort of go with "Undying".

    2. Unearthly was my first thought, but couldn't think of the word. I actually consider Fae to be the broader category here for wish-granters or those "touched" by glamor magic. (Not genies, in my campaigns, they're more elemental power-houses than flamboyant wish-granters)

    3. Speaking of glamor... Our Glamorous Neighbors? Nah, sounds too much like a Kardashian spin-off. Never mind...

    4. Our Glamorous Neighbors did occur to me, as did Our Ingenious Neighbors, but I thought those would be too obscure for many people.

      Genies (including Djinn and Efreet) are definitely not elemental in my cosmology. But how to fit in the other wish-granters?

      I'm think Unearthly is currently the best option, but will keep thinking it over.

  2. Supernatural?

    1. I think these, and Will Douglas's suggestions, are a little too broad. I'm looking for something that suggests either their outsider origin or their ability to grant wishes... or both, which would be better.

  3. Replies
    1. I suppose you mean "astral", since they aren't ethereal. But that seems way too broad. Still, I'll keep it in mind if I decide to include other astral details besides these magical beings.

  4. Have you listed the Neighbors series links somewhere? I looked for them at "Creative Content on This Blog" and they weren't there.

    1. Oops, meant to leave a comment as a direct reply to you, so you'd be notified. But it's below, instead.

  5. The only one that's currently up in some form is Our Infernal Neighbors, although that's an old version. The plan is to redo that one.

    The Creative Content page needs to be updated, as well as a lot of stuff in the sidebars and subpages on the blog, but I think I'm going to work out some things with the Neighbors series first. I have a plan to make things easier to find and more organized.

    1. Thanks for that!! I know some of the bloggers that have been around for a time have created pages with an index of posts; similar to your Maps or LMGM pages. Didn't know if you were thinking about that.

    2. Yes, that was the original intention. I just haven't been keeping up on maintenance. The Links page is also pretty messed up. It was going to be a link to other blogs plus a few of my own popular posts. I have to totally redo it.
