An otherwise loyal animal or magic item may stubbornly attempt to take charge of a situation; give the animal or item a Willfulness attribute of 1 to 12. For general behavior, modify the roll based on the difference between Willfulness and the character's level; for critical situations, add any Intelligence score to both sides and replace the character's level with an appropriate attribute, usually Strength for controlling an animal/item physically.This raises the question: should I keep it as a situation roll, or should I use one of the other mechanics? The breakdown of pros and cons for each is:
Situation Roll: use half the difference as a modifier.
- PRO - modifier shifts odds in equal steps; different beasts or items can be defined with different situation targets easily.
- CON - have to remember to interpret roll from the perspective of the weaker side (avoiding accidental loss of control.)
- PRO - fits best conceptually with morale rolls; no multiplication or division.
- CON - modifier shifts odds in uneven steps.
- PRO - looks like a save or attack roll; modifier shifts odds in equal steps; granularity closer to that of original rule.
- CON - unusual multiplier to get modifier; need to remember +10 adjustment or record it on reference sheet.
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