... now with 35% more arrogance!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Clone Project: Revised Saves

I'm basically using Target 20 for Liber Zero (with permission from Daniel Collins,) but with modifications. For one, instead of using level as a bonus to the roll, I'm using hit dice; this has the benefit of not needing to multiply level by a fraction for magic-users and clerics, since their hit dice are already respectively half or two-thirds of the fighter's hit dice.

But now I've adjusted the saving throws as well. I'm using the same basic categories as the LBBs: Death, Wand, Stone, Breath, Spell. However, the adjustments for each category is different for each class, and there is also a bonus at name level to reflect the "jumps" in effectiveness that occur around then. My saves aren't exactly the same as the ones in the LBBs, any more than the standard Target 20 saves are; however, I think they are closer to the feel I'm looking for.


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